Small Group Meetings

Small Group meeting structure is the backbone of the meeting. It does not exist to confine. Rather, structure creates freedom to allow open discussion and to allow everyone in the Small Group to participate. Meeting structure keeps the Small Group focused and increases take-home value.

Most Small Groups meet for four hours. The recommended meeting structure is as follows:

Fast check-in

The moderator welcomes everyone and invites members to briefly check in about how they’re doing.

Clear the air

Any issues between Small Group members are brought to the surface.


The moderator reminds members about the importance of confidentiality and asks if any issues are limiting members’ trust today.

Communication starter

The Small Group conducts a communication starter (usually selected before the meeting).


Members complete an Update Preparation Form, then briefly share their updates while other members listen without interrupting.


A core element in a Small Group meeting is the exploration called Case in which a member speaks about an unresolved issue or opportunity (“frames the exploration”). Through self-curiosity, the other members engage in deep sharing of personal memories and experiences. Usually the presenting member is seeking to reach clarity about something with which he or she is struggling. The other members help by speaking from their own experience.


The moderator asks members to destroy papers with confidential information, conducts process feedback, leads a brief closure exercise, and provides a final confidentiality reminder.