How Did Your Revenues Look When You Resigned From Philips?

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Peter: In my view, revenue seemed too low. The total was not quite two million francs when we settled in Switzerland. We had to pay twelve people in Hong Kong along with all our other expenses with that money. The margin was less than 25 percent. It was a big step and careful forethought was essential. Aletta: Before moving to Switzerland, we also needed Swiss work permits, which meant that we had to talk with the authorities. They agreed to issue us the permits under the condition that we employ at least twelve people in Switzerland within the next three years. Aletta: This meant that the originally envisioned plan, with Peter and me living in Switzerland and our company staying in Hong Kong, would be impossible. Our business would necessarily have to follow us to Switzerland. But in return, we were granted exemption from taxation for the first ten years. No Fields Found.